Zgemma h9s or Zgemma h92s

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256MB flash expander through script Zgemma h9s or Zgemma h92s

Zgemma H9s Or Zgemma H92s

This is Manual for How to Openatv Run to MMC(MicroSD)

Zgemma h9s Have Very Small Flash Size for any Enigma2 Plugin !!!!!

  1. You Need Already Ext4 Format and Partition Active Microsd Card(Fast Speed is Great)

I have Fast 32G

  1. Recommend Free Windows Patition Manager APP “Minitool Partition Wizard”
  2. Insert Microsd Card To H9S Back MMC Slot
  3. Download script.zip and Extract – Use FTP Client App

script Dir copy to /usr/ * Permission 755 *

  1. Openatv – info Panel – Plugins – JobManager –

Select H9_boot_mSD.sh and RUN

  1. Are you ready to run the script – yes

and Wait for All Working End

  1. last You Got a “Exucution Finished “

Please Restart H9S

  1. After Reboot

go to Menu – Information – Memory

” I have Flash Info Like

Total : 29.2G

Free : 27.4G

Oh You Have Some ??????

Official Site

Download the “H9 SDcard Mover” attached to this message.

Extract the zip file and copy all 3 files to Zgemma H9 /tmp folder, using FileZilla Client app, for instance.

Now, right click on h9_mmc.sh file > File permissions > 755 > OK.

Warning: all data on your Micro SD card will be lost when your start this script!

Start the script by the following 2 telnet commands:

cd /tmp


Reboot the box and wait for the script to move everything to Micro SD card.

Your Zgemma H9 just got a boost!

Just remember that there is a small price to pay: your flash is larger but the Zgemma H9 might be a bit slower than if everything is running from H9 flash alone.


How to go back to a previous state of things (rollback to rootfs, to NAND)?

Simply flash a new image.

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